Moneysaver Cover Pic

There is such a thing as free credit

SPENDERS looking to make a large purchase often have to think through carefully how they can do it without being slugged by exorbitant interest rates.

Take control of your home loan

Take control of your home loan
HOME loan customers are being urged to take action to secure razor-sharp deals as interest rate offers continue to drop.

How to pick a money spinner

How to pick a money spinner
THE best way to achieve investment success is to spread your money across a wide variety of different assets.

Why we should be celebrating

Why we should be celebrating
LAST week’s economic growth figure of 3.3 per cent is the best in four years and that winning streak looks as though it will continue for a while yet.

Don’t kid yourself about your score

Don’t kid yourself about your score
CHECKING your credit score is easy and free, but you may be surprised to find that it’s not as good as you think.

Super laws welcome but half-baked

Super laws welcome but half-baked
CHANGES to superannuation rules that were announced in the May Budget have been introduced in federal Parliament.

Be appy with your insurance

Be appy with your insurance
NAVIGATING different types of insurance is easy to do using a range of innovative apps that allow you to keep your policies in your pocket.

Stick your neck out to help others

Stick your neck out to help others
FROM zoos to underprivileged children, there are many ways to leave a lasting mark on the world once you are gone.

Signs your debt is out of control

Signs your debt is out of control
WITH so much talk among politicians about Australia’s national debt levels and our ongoing budget deficit … how do you assess your household debt and know when you’re in the danger zone?

The feeling’s mutual for new bank breed

The feeling’s mutual for new bank breed
A SMALL but fast-growing slice of the banking sector is beating the big four in customer satisfaction and business growth.

A caring gift for man’s best friend

A caring gift for man’s best friend
MORE than half of all pet insurance holders are either shopping around, looking to downgrade or drop their policies in an effort to save money

How to break up and keep your cash

How to break up and keep your cash
BREAKING up with a partner can be traumatic and hard work but don’t delay sorting out your joint finances.

How to spend a windfall

How to spend a windfall
MANY mortgage holders are left torn between whether to pay extra off their home loan or tip extra cash into their super.

The secret to cutting flight prices

The secret to cutting flight prices
JETSETTERS keen to nab cut-price deals and slash their travel costs can use some simple tricks to gain significant discounts.

Spot the signs of financial abuse

Spot the signs of financial abuse
A LESSER-known form of domestic violence is financial abuse, and many victims may not think it’s happening to them.

Money secrets you shouldn’t keep

Money secrets you shouldn’t keep
WHAT is the right way to handle money in a relationship? David and Libby Koch give their take on the etiquette of love and money.

Why you need an emergency fund

Why you need an emergency fund
CASH-strapped Aussies are turning to credit cards or their parents dig themselves out of a hole. But there is a better way.

How you can make your own luck

How you can make your own luck
IT’S fun to dream about winning lotto or backing the top horse in the Melbourne Cup but it’s possible make your own luck and be better off.

Some new ways to borrow cash

Some new ways to borrow cash
THE lines between different types of lending are being blurred as new financial products deliver borrowers more choice and flexibility.

How to find cheap petrol all year round

How to find cheap petrol all year round
PETROL prices have started inching higher in several states across Australia, which means now is the time to shop around for the best deal.

Fastest way to save a home deposit

Fastest way to save a home deposit
CASH-strapped first-home buyers are moving back in with their parents to fast track their ability to save money for a house.

Beware dirt cheap home loans

Beware dirt cheap home loans
THINK twice before signing up to rock-bottom interest rate deals because they may be too good to be true.

Why loyalty schemes aren’t worth it

Why loyalty schemes aren’t worth it
RETAIL loyalty programs are everywhere, but consumer experts say many are not worth the time and effort.

Kochie’s tips on getting even with banks

Kochie’s tips on getting even with banks
BANKS make huge profits thanks to their customers. But don’t get mad — there are plenty of ways to get even.

How to avoid financial regrets

How to avoid financial regrets
REGRETS, we have a few, and many of them are about money. But the good news is that preventing these “what if” feelings later in life is easier than you think.

Get the best term deposit rates

Get the best term deposit rates
SAVERS stashing their cash have finally been given reason to celebrate following the eruption of a term deposit among financial institutions.

Be your own super hero

Be your own super hero
SUPER powers are available to all Australian savers who are prepared to use them to create a retirement they can enjoy.

How to add flexibility to a fixed rate home loan

How to add flexibility to a fixed rate home loan
INTEREST rates have continued to tumble and while many borrowers are sticking with variable rate loans flexible fixed-rate deals are slowly trickling onto the market.

Share property inspection costs and save

Share property inspection costs and save
AIRbnb kicked off the sharing economy for property, and now expensive inspection reports for house hunters are getting the online treatment.

Five ways to make a tax refund last

Five ways to make a tax refund last
BILLS and debts are a big destination for Australians’ tax refunds, but perhaps it’s time to think outside the square.